e-ISSN: 2757-606X | June 2023 | Issue 6
Aldatıcı Taklitçi Şiir Bağlamında Büyünün Mekaniği
The Mechanics of Sorcery in the Context of Deceptive-Imitative Poetry
İhsan GÜRSOY / 1-17
A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Religiosity on Conspicuous Consumption, Extravagant Consumption and Religious Priority Consumption Behavior
Hatice TEMİRAK YÜZBAŞI & Ali AYTEN / 19-31
Mütevâtirin Tanımı ve Örnekleri Üzerine Bazı Tenkidler
The Some Criticisms on the Definition of Mutawātir and on the It's Examples
Üzeyir DURMUŞ / 33-47
The Impact of the Relationship Between Soul and Body On Human Health: The Example of Abu Zayd Al-Balkhi and Abu Bakr Al-Rhazi
Özge AKGÜN & Selahattin AKTİ / 49-66
Geç Dönem Osmanlı Düşüncesinde Ahlâkın Anlamı
The Meaning of Morality in Late Ottoman Thought
Yusuf İzzettin AKTAŞ / 67-89