Peer Review Process
Manuscripts must be submitted as electronically full text and in accordance with the instructions for authors. All studies submitted to Theosophia are checked in order to control ethical violations. If any ethical violation is detected, the submitted paper is rejected or a change can be requested. The works whose applications are accepted are examined in terms of compliance with the writing and publication principles of the Journal. Approved studies are sent to two reviewers. Identities of authors and reviewers are kept confidential.
The reviewers are given a maximum of 30 days to review. If the reviewers make any suggestions about the study in their reports, these reports are sent to the authors within 15 days after the reviewers receive them. If the authors think differently with the reviewers as a result of reviewing their work in line with these reports, they report their justification to the editor. In a situation that one of the reviewers approved and the other not, the editor sends it to a third reviewer. Approved papers are published sequentially. The authors accept the right of the editorship of Theosophia to make the necessary corrections without fundamental changes. In a situation for ethical violation in an article, Theosophia reserves the right to submit the alleged study to competent authorities investigation. Our journal does not undertake the decision-making authority on this issue.
Fees: Our journal does not charge any fee for articles.