e-ISSN: 2757-606X | Period: Semiannually (June, December) | First Broadcast: 2020 | Open Access
Theosophia is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal published semiannually (June, December) in Turkish, English, German and Arabic languages. The publication of an article depends on the approval of the reviewers. In Theosophia, research articles, translations and book reviews are published, focusing on religion in the field of philosophy, theology, social sciences and humanities.
The citation format used by Theosophia is ISNAD Citation System 2. Theosophia maintains a fast, accessible and author-centered editorial policy.
Indexing & Abstracting: Erih Plus, Index Copernicus, DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing), SSRN (Social Science Research Network), OpenAire, Asos Index, idealonline, PhilArchive, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), ISAM Theology Articles VT.
Yedi Harfin ve Vahyin Mahiyetiyle İlgili Bir Değerlendirme
An Evaluation on the Nature of the Seven Letters
Yusuf KALEMLİ / 1-14
İslâmiyet Öncesi Türk-Arap İlişkileri
Pre-Islamıc Turkish-Arab Relations
Yunus AKYÜREK / 15-27
İbn Zencûye’nin Kitâbü’l-Emvâl’i Çerçevesinde Kamu Maliyesine Dair Görüşleri
Ibn Zanjūya’s Views on Public Finance within the Framework of Kitāb al-Amwāl
Serkan AĞA / 29-43
The Effect of the Spiritual Support Model ASSUM on the Concept of God, Religious Coping, and Psychological Health Indicators
Ayşe Nur ÖZKAN & Ali Ulvi MEHMEDOĞLU / 45-70
Hegemonik Erkek Algısı Ölçeği’nin (HEAÖ) Geliştirilmesi: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması
Development of The Hegemonic Male Perception Scale (HMPS): Reliability and Validity Study
Gülşan ARVAS OYMAK & Gülüşan GÖCEN / 71-89
Ebû Dâvud’un Sünen’ine Kaynaklığı Bakımından Mâlik’in Rivâyetleri
Mālik’s Narrations in Terms of the Source to Abū Dāvūd’s Sunan
Üzeyir DURMUŞ / 91-109
Siyer-i Nebî İlmi Ortaya Çıkışı, Önemi, İlimler Arasındaki Yeri, Başlıca Kaynakları
Muhammed Kamel KARABELLİ, Çev. Yunus AKYÜREK / 111-129
Contact Us
Corresponding Adress
Dr. Kenan SEVINC, Editor in Chief,
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Theology,
17100 Canakkale, TURKEY
Telephone: +90 286-2180018 (29025)
E-Mail: kssevinc@gmail.com
Journal e-mail: theosophiajournal@gmail.com